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How To Stay In Your Feminine Even In Crisis

For many of us around the world, we are knee deep in our first collective social distancing environment ever. Social distancing means we are not to spend time together (immediate family is ok if they are healthy), but by and large, we are to not be near other humans for the time being.

This is tough, for a lot of people, I feel for all of my fellow humans who are feeling this stress of what is going on in our world today.

Could it be worse? You bet your ass it could be, but that doesn't take away from how we are all collectively feeling right now. We are feeling scared, uncertain, maybe even slightly claustrophobic? But, we are doing what needs to be done to make sure the people who have less strength in their bodies can have a fighting chance against this Coronavirus.

How Is Your Feminine Affected?

When times of fear and crisis are around us, we tend to want to slip back into our old masculine ways, and that is a mistake, especially now. Now is not the time to be quarantined with 2 alpha dogs trying to lead. It's not a recipe for a good experience through this!

Now is the time to really focus on dipping low into your feminine because that is where you will find peace for yourself and for those around you, especially your children.

Here Are 3 Ways I Am Practicing This

For many of us around the world, we are knee deep in our first collective social distancing environment ever. Social distancing means we are not to spend time together (immediate family is ok if they are healthy), but by and large, we are tonot be near other humans for the time being. I start off like this...."I wake up in my Queens rooms full of sunlight and pink hue's. I can the waves crashing outside and the birds are chirping beautifully...". Then I let my imagination run wild, it's incredibly fun to do this!

2. Write 3 people a virtual love letter. It can be anyone, it doesn't have to be romantic. Think of three people you know are probably really scared right now and let that beautiful heart open up and let those words flow. Think about what you might need to hear right now, what fears you are experiencing. Showing love through words is a really beautiful way to reach out to those around you, near and far:).

3. Video conferencing. Thank goodness we have the beautiful invention of the internet, how blessed are we? Yes we need physical touch, but at least we have video conferencing. Plan a girls night with a bunch of your friends and chat for a while. You could even meditate together, but do something that makes you feel connected!

The really important thing here is to know that you can still feel safe during this time, you and your partner can both be leaders, but showing the people in your life how to remain in your feminine, or calm, will serve everyone much more than two of you fighting for the masculine energy role in your house.

So there you have it my fellow female founders, we are all learning new ways to connect and to disconnect, this is a beautiful time in history if we choose to view it that way.

Big love,


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